Hello friends, many ask How to make which are you? Instagram effect. I have made many videos about it and I think that people are still confused. For this reason, I have decided to make a post collecting all the content about it. I hope it is used. I will continue updating this material. I use the tool: Spark AR

Remember all the videos has ENGLISH SUBTITLES. USE IT.

How to make which are you – Tutorials

Spark AR – Random Image Sequence | Filter Parecidos Razonables

This was my first video. I published it on December 22 and later many of creators used it to make filters.

Spark AR – Random Image Sequence | Part II | Disney & Pokemon Character

Follow this trend topic. I made another video using new options and personalization to improve the quality of the filter.

Spark AR – Random Image Sequence | Part III | Next Vacation

In this video I decided explain more details about delay patch, how to use this filter in two faces and show particles to show the result of the random.

Spark AR – Random Image Sequence & Segmentation | Part IV

This video has a new concept to improve our filters with awesome personalization: I add eye tracking and background segmentation.

All the files of this tutorial find it on my Patreon page

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